Hey,I'm free so update awhile :D
Anyone here know? My dearest friend she's crying because of you guys,maybe she don't own a really good attitude but she's just being herself at least she never lie to you guys. Maybe there's something I don't know or whatever. You need to think about something,she treat you all as her true best friend,how about you?
Sometimes even when you think you're helping someone good but in the end you'll realize you've made a wrong decision. You'll regret forever.
I'm catching up my studies! So far so good?;)
Hope I still have enough time to catch up all of it.
Anyway Good Night guys!
I love you :)
素颜,最自然 ;)
所以忍不住上载了照片 TT xDD
原谅我自恋 /.\ 虽然我不美 可是我就是爱自拍
头发长料 可是一直翘起来 -.-
要考试料!要考试料! 读书料 ;) 倒数16天!
第3次考试我竟然退了一名,第7名! DD:
都怪我,一边读书一边想人 @@ 所以读错到完 -.-
尤其是SEJ (抱怨! TT)
不管了!这次我拼了 (随口说说?-.-)
Science不可以退步吖!!! TT 可是Form1的什么sai我都不知道 -.-
我Form1的学生生涯就如 梦一场 -.-
想回当初 , 感觉真的好轻松 ><
明年PMR ;) 我有目标的咯 :P
所以我要忍不要开电脑 TT
考试完再回来 @@
最多用电话上 >< xD
如果经过,去照片下面的那个LOVE 按Follow好吗? :'(
不按不勉强. /.\
晚安 + 再见 :D ♥
幸运儿 xDD
昨天9点多晚上睡睡睡到 早上才醒料 =.= 原来我有那么累 xD
可是我们换班! 没有跟着班的位置 所以跟宝贝坐可以聊天 :DD
我们都在聊那些有的没的 -.-
然后Lucky Draw时间到! =] 很幸运的 我和两个宝贝都得到! xD 我们又刚好坐在一起! 朋友我们缘分真好 ^^ Tan Phay Luan! Ong Yun Yin! 记得约出来踏 /.\ 我们班10个人得 :)
Lim Chia Sin 也是有得 xD
Erm,星期六 去McD 读书,有人要Join吗? ;))
我孩子要考试了一起去教她读书好不好? xDD
就这样吧 ;D
希望明天会是更好的一天 :)
今天是 第一年半 ^^
可是我们换班! 没有跟着班的位置 所以跟宝贝坐可以聊天 :DD
我们都在聊那些有的没的 -.-
然后Lucky Draw时间到! =] 很幸运的 我和两个宝贝都得到! xD 我们又刚好坐在一起! 朋友我们缘分真好 ^^ Tan Phay Luan! Ong Yun Yin! 记得约出来踏 /.\ 我们班10个人得 :)
Lim Chia Sin 也是有得 xD
Erm,星期六 去McD 读书,有人要Join吗? ;))
我孩子要考试了一起去教她读书好不好? xDD
就这样吧 ;D
希望明天会是更好的一天 :)
今天是 第一年半 ^^
淡淡的苦笑 :/ 看到我的眼神跟你笑吗? xD
今天早上去Straight Quay!
自己爬起来的 =.= 全部人打不通给我不懂做么 TT
去到那边 我很想说,人很他妈的多! ;@@
在协和时更残我等巴士等到我在那边跳舞 =.=
Straight Quay!
看到很多很多很多熟人 /.\
其实我很Paiseh >< 有些根本给不到你反应`Sorry :XX
最可悲的是,做么你们那么喜欢打我的脚?! T^T
其实有很多我想看到的人没看到 =.=
最重要的是!!!!!!!我终于看到她料 TT ♥. ♥
可是就是那么一眼 :((
Blah Blah Blah
我一直拍人骑脚车 xD
那个陈秋燕 真的是慢到...............无法形容 /.\
然后去厕所 本来要找孩子的 ,怎么知让我看到他! ;@
Ugh! 我的恶梦!没有Mood =.=
12:XX 出门 2:xx到 1st Avenue =.=
让Stephanie等了我 1个小时多? @@ 不知道 xD
然后去那边看戏`吃东西`拍照! xD
就这样懒惰写料 -.-
很TMD 爱睡 !
我有没有比较Ginna bin? xDD
Stephanie! xD
喂喂喂 不要打扰我信息啦,没礼貌 xDD
不好意思我拿了你的照片来Edit /.\
美么? xD
Hello ;)
I deleted few post again,hehe. Hmm,how's my day? Same as always,just routine and routine. Tomorrow is Friday again I haven't touch my theory book -.- It seems like I need to wake up early tomorrow. Ish! And exam is coming! What the..I don't think I have enough time to study! Sad case. :( Sunday there's going be an event named 一个大马千人blah blah?=.= Because Najid is coming? Lame. -.- use money to buy votes from us? Oh,whatever. I'm going to arrive at school about 5am! Who's the same here? ;)) I'm kinda tired today :( don't know why Feeling unwell. Oh well,time for my bed. Good Night World :D
Ily,just you :)
Ily,just you :)
What's going on here?
Hey! It's My big bro birthday so? Created a video for him ;)
Hope he will like it.
Happy 21th Birthday :D
自恋了几张,因为心情真的很差 :( 我的笑容好苦! ><
过后跑去跟 妈妈 & Bear bear 拍个人照.
我发现我拍照技术越来越好料 xDD
我很想她,真的超想的那种 D:
想你想到我心情都不好去! TT 你看啦你 :'(
我可以去跳海吗? 我真的是没有药救了 =.=
我厌倦了我的生活 :(
去学校不是和别人吵架就是扣分扣分. 烦死人
其实如果我做错事我也会内疚,难道你以为我冷血的么? :')
今天跟宝贝们出去 :D
很开心可是很累 -.-
拍了好多照片,花了好多钱 =.=
我和音很难看的说 T^T 风头被陈沛銮抢光了.
谢谢你们 :D I Love you guys xD
Hello hello :)
林勇盛!!! 生日快乐喂 Happy Birthday xD (Your Chinese name too special -.- find boh ) 你不要讲你这个妹妹我没有心料! 12点准准跑下去跟你讲生日快乐吖! 牺牲睡眠! 感动没有?xD 虽然我生日时你也是这样 xD
礼物 Pasar Malam的蛋糕?xDD
Hee. 祝我那个瘦到没有肉的哥哥生日过后就没有什么好讲了啦 随便写一写 :)
这个月好多人分手 :( 我不要做其中一个! 不要! 不要!:(
然后今天的节很松一下 BI 节我和音在厕所kapsiao一节最爽的不用挨骂 -.-
Blah blah blah
补习时我的Mood 差到.... =.= 还好孩子身上有糖糖 =.=
其实我真的真的不知道为什么我心情会那么差的 -.-
明天又要往医院跑了 :(
礼物 Pasar Malam的蛋糕?xDD
Hee. 祝我那个瘦到没有肉的哥哥生日过后就没有什么好讲了啦 随便写一写 :)
这个月好多人分手 :( 我不要做其中一个! 不要! 不要!:(
然后今天的节很松一下 BI 节我和音在厕所kapsiao一节最爽的不用挨骂 -.-
Blah blah blah
补习时我的Mood 差到.... =.= 还好孩子身上有糖糖 =.=
其实我真的真的不知道为什么我心情会那么差的 -.-
明天又要往医院跑了 :(
12点料!!!! 代替明天更新 /.\
中秋节快乐 ,可是我不快乐 :( 我要吃公仔饼 TT
12点之前的我 在邻居的家...Cheong-K! Woohooo. 其实我很困 ==
可是我配合妈妈我开口唱了其实我感冒还没有好的咯 :(
小弟弟一直拿着我电脑 害我不能信息 /.\ 对不起 一直迟回复你们 D:
我都说料不是我不要Download game而是每次download了电话一定被小孩子枪去 :(
看上面Gok! Mr.Spongebob! 我的第二爱.
它笑着对你们说 :: "中秋节快乐,希望你能像我这样一直笑着 :DD "
Sick :(
Didn't go school again! Cause of fever,Babes I miss you guys already :( I don't want to stay at home la very sien. I want to go school!
When I woke up this morning my whole mind is fulled of her,I really really miss that someone. Ily. :( ♥
Why people like to ask me. [Eh didn't go school ah?] [Sick ah?] [Your husband leh?] [Didn't rest meh?] [Ponteng?]All same eh when I'm at home,See me ONLINE obviously didn't go school,sick of course,Ponteng I'm not that bad yet,rest of course got la,Husband? Dia tak tahu I didn't go school pun la ho xim ==
When I woke up this morning my whole mind is fulled of her,I really really miss that someone. Ily. :( ♥
Why people like to ask me. [Eh didn't go school ah?] [Sick ah?] [Your husband leh?] [Didn't rest meh?] [Ponteng?]All same eh when I'm at home,See me ONLINE obviously didn't go school,sick of course,Ponteng I'm not that bad yet,rest of course got la,Husband? Dia tak tahu I didn't go school pun la ho xim ==
A change =]
人生大改变? @@ 我要拍不同的Pattern xDD
有人说我突然变得很Girl很成熟 其实这个是叫Hiao咯 xD
*Coung Cough* 有吗? =.= 没有咯
Just came back from KL :DD Lots of homework to catch up but,I'm lazy -.- So put it aside la. Bought new T-shirt,Jeans,Shoes,Earings & Blah blah blah.
I gain fat in this holiday!!! Ugh T^T Eat too much ==
So today,4pm leave KL 7pm arrive Penang. Sien lo -.-
Arrive home,HOMEWORK,FACEBOOK & SMS ,Lazy reply actually so a bit slow. :P
Going to change my Clothing! :@ Hope I can. Lalala.
School going to start tomorrow. Union eh kaki,Good luck for the hair check tomorrow TT
Imissyou. :'(
Hair Cut!
school's going to start on MONDAY! So? Cut hair la. xD Without lens,without makeup,without edit, How is it? :)) Eyes a bit weird huh? I didn't cut much also,too short I will cry :P
Today went for hair cut,Gurney,tuition.
Had a little small argument with my mom,makes my mood DOWN! So I slept form 6pm to 8pm Any message I didn't reply? Sorry guys. When I woke already 2hours late so didn't reply le.
Bought new shirts again :) Lots of shirts and blah blah blah but I don't like to wear them too much =.=
I know! I'm wasting money and cotton! SORRY to my dad and mother earth for wasting.
Going to KL tomorrow? Maybe la. Going to buy STICKY!
Maybe shopping again? Hope I'm going la.
11pm Time for my bed. Good Night guys.
I'll never betray her! Don't ever say nonsense like that! It will make me mad!
Don't forget,I Love You.
Almost 500days le lo :XX
Post Number 10! :))
刚出去回来 :) 心情很不稳定的说..我想大哭一场 =')
我让孩子等了我一个小时 =.= Paiseh har :PP
过后就讲话咯=.= 陪Stephanie Ong去剪头发等她一个小时多?=.= 算了我跟孩子讲话,讲到口水都干了咯 -.-
过后终于剪完了哪里知道没有什么分别 == 然后我可怜的孩子要胃痛了所以去吃东西咯
Stephanie Ong 肥肥,吃到两个汉堡 /.\
然后Blah Blah Blah (忘记了很多东西 ==)
只记得看到美丽的Jin Xing & Jin Yuan. 她竟然问我 [我又再几天没有吃东西?] @@ 其实我有听错吗?我从泰国回来肥很多了涅.
然后走走`过后6点多Stephanie 回了剩我和孩子,我们相依为命 ==
走去顶楼再走去McD. 其实那段期间你妈妈我的眼泪已经要流出来料的咯 =.= 可是忍,笑笑就没事了
我让孩子等了我一个小时 =.= Paiseh har :PP
过后就讲话咯=.= 陪Stephanie Ong去剪头发等她一个小时多?=.= 算了我跟孩子讲话,讲到口水都干了咯 -.-
过后终于剪完了哪里知道没有什么分别 == 然后我可怜的孩子要胃痛了所以去吃东西咯
Stephanie Ong 肥肥,吃到两个汉堡 /.\
然后Blah Blah Blah (忘记了很多东西 ==)
只记得看到美丽的Jin Xing & Jin Yuan. 她竟然问我 [我又再几天没有吃东西?] @@ 其实我有听错吗?我从泰国回来肥很多了涅.
然后走走`过后6点多Stephanie 回了剩我和孩子,我们相依为命 ==
走去顶楼再走去McD. 其实那段期间你妈妈我的眼泪已经要流出来料的咯 =.= 可是忍,笑笑就没事了
不要给我看到幸福的情侣 我羡慕你们 ;@@
知道了 会乱想 可是不知道也是乱想 -.- 我自己都不知道要怎样咯其实 .
难道我真的能当做我什么都不曾知道吗? :')
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